Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday night word from the wife

Jacky is SMILING, Martha is giggling constantly whilst playing wrestling with her new friend Deb and her Aunty Toni, Pirika is cheering for Martha at the same time as playing nintendo Wii (joyful is the son)... all is well in our world :) How blessed we are. Thank you Thank you Thank you. :) :) :) :) Missing the Waikuku ites (you know who you are), Tima, Shindler, Shadow and CK as well... so nice to know you beautiful humans are travelling this journey with us.. Thanks for being there/here.. again I say it and say it again I will.
Warmest love from Island Bay the house of chocolate and giggles in Wellington.


  1. Love you!! Thinking of you daily! The kids are having a ball then and I love that Jacky is SMILING!! Smile on sister!!

  2. Wow so you have managed to navigate the 6 berth beast along the Kiakoura's onto the ferry and through the delightfully narrow fast flowing streets of Welly. Mmmmm me thinks you must be getting the hang of it. As for those rubbish bins, they're just a gentle reminder you are no longer driving the wagon:) A well protected hikoi and rightly so. Big hug to that gorgeous Pirika and Martha and lots of love to you all. xxx
