Monday, October 19, 2009

lovely night in Wellington

Greetings people, firstly I'd like to say how much appreciation and love I have for you all my dear friends and whanau. This experience has been extremely humbling to say the least. I appreciate the love and support you have all shown me and my family at this time. I am honoured to be your friend and look forward to coming home to a time of celebration with you all. You will all be aware by now of the stressful circumstances we faced with ChCh public hospital. Something I wouldn't wish upon any other person. By putting that in the past I have been able to see an alternative way forward and I am looking forward to positive results. I have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
After spending the night in Blenheim last night we caught the Aratere ferry at 10am and the sign at the vehicle check in said it would be a "moderate" sailing :) Viv said "If this is moderate I'd hate to see it when it's choppy or stormy". We arrived in wonderful Wellington and Viv drove the campervan skillfully off the ship and into town (lol) for some lunch. After nearly taking out a rubbish bin parking (yes that was Viv) we were side swiped by a car and the only damage was that the car who hit us lost it's mirror - no damage at all to the hikoi wagon - whew - thank goodness! Our lovely friend Toni met us downtown to navigate our hikoi to her warm whare for the evening. Toni prepared us a DELICIOUS roast lamb with all the trimmings and we are about to eat home made chocolate cheesecake (made by super flat mate Deb).. Deb is from Kaponga Taranaki - say no more :) Tomorrow the hikoi will take us north west to Poppa Allans where we have been told a hangi, kina, paua, bubu's and lots more love awaits.
Thats all from me for now - Pomarie, Jacky S-P xo


  1. Awesome. LOL re campervan in town! I hope P was taking some footage lol xoo

  2. Belly town drivers!!!!! Can they no see the precious cargo inside!

  3. Yay u doin well! and being loved and fussed over by our lovely Toni :)good 2 hear it was only a minor brush with the mad welly heart was in my mouth breifly as I read that! Phew alright X

  4. Just the thought of the 'moderate' ferry sailing made me feel sick! xxooxo
