Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Famous Pirika and Martha

If you can (online) access the 'Waikato Times', check out page 3 and under a title "NZ not ready for waves" there is a beautiful photo with a caption underneath it as follows: "Hoping for a bite: Pirika Sinclair-Phillips, 9, of North Canterbury, fishes at Ngarimu Bay yesterday while on holiday on the Coromandel Peninsula". That's right, our Pirika and Martha made the paper. You will see the serene paradise we are coping with daily :)
We heard that is was snowing in ChCh earlier today? Not here. I exhale and remember why this peninsula and the Marlborough Sounds are the two places in NZ that I have wanted to live in for many years now.
Today has been a great day for Jacky. Nerve pain has settled and is almost gone! Jacky has spent the last two days resting which has been fantastic for her, and she will be doing more of the same tomorrow. Every day she is feeling better and better. Jacky is becoming well! God the relief is intense. Moreso when we stop to think of this year to date for us. To not have the worry each day about when Jacky will die is an indescribeable relief for us all.
Pirika and Martha told me yesterday how they "don't even remember what it was like before Mama was sick". That was a sad moment for me, and Jacky of course when I later told her, however it quickly turned to a joyful moment as I was able to reinforce to them both that soon, their Mama would be well again.
Today Pirika, Martha and I went to a Butterfly House. It was gorgeous! Giant blue winged butterflys, plus about a dozen other variety. It was like being inside one of Marthas fairytopia movies. I giggled to myself imagining how beautiful it was to us but the horror that someone like our dear Rhonda would experience opening her eyes, and discovering herself in a tropical environment filled with colourful flapping wing insects :)
Tomorrow we go fishing again! And tomorrow evening dear dear Sheila and Simon are coming to hang with us. Blessed are we with such good and dear friends.
Warmly, The Sinclair-Phillips whanau


  1. OMG you lil stars martha and pirika (lol) kwl soooooooooo happy to hear that aunty jax is getting better !!!! im missn yous ALL heapzz ..... i could amagine marse laughing at the butterflys its making me laugh just thinking about it hehehe... xxxxxxXXXXXXX... p.s i have my high skwl tests 2morow soo0o0 nurvise ! :\ iuv youas all heappzzzzzzz all my love 'ruby' :) :) xxx000

  2. OMG that is so cool M and P when I sign off this I'm gonna look at that newspaper article love to all xxoo

  3. So wonderful to hear that Jacky is getting so much better and that you are all having a chance to heal and be joyful! We think and talk about you daily and send our love. Elise & Gary XOXO
