Today has been a bit of a down day. For no other reason than Jacky is OVER this all. Over being sore, over nephrostomy tubes coming out of her back, over having to rest all the time and missing out of life. Simply over it. And me, well I'm over it too. My dear work aholic, can fix anything, super woman, my love - suffering in any way has never been positive.. sigh. The thing is, what Jacky has been through this year is huge, bigger than huge, and cannot be underestimated.. so to restore health is a journey that will be ongoing for some time it seems, and as predicted, there are good days and days that are not so good. On the plus side... Tomorrow we see Wolf again.
Chox and Kate have arranged a house for us to stay in at Waihi beach which will mean only a 5 or 10 minute drive from Wolf and Lara - rather than the 45 minute trek we usually do in the campervan. We will stay there overnight tomorrow and return to Thames on Sunday.
It's our dear friend Em's 40th birthday this weekend and we are sad to not be there celebrating with her. You have a lot of good friends Em so we know you will have fun - but please know we wish we could be there. Doesnt seem that long since your 21st and yet it was a lifetime ago.
Jacky is asleep. The Auntys are at work. Pirika and Martha are enjoying zone out infront of the TV time and I'm about to get ready to greet Sheila and Simon as they are due to arrive in the next half hour. We last saw them when Jacky and I acted as celebrants for their wedding in March this year. We have exchanged only a couple of phone calls and emails since and I feel weepy already at the prospect of seeing such dear friends after the year we have had. I cry greeting and farewelling loved ones under "normal" circumstances, and lets face it - this year has been anything but normal.
It will be a nice evening filled with love. There is no doubt about that.
Wishing you all a safe and warm weekend. Warm love, Us all
Thursday, October 29, 2009
You can view the picture of Pirika by following the below link, unfortunately Martha (who was running by to the right of Pirika, chasing fish in the shallows) can't be seen for some reason online, but she can be in the actual photo in the paper. SO cute!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Famous Pirika and Martha
If you can (online) access the 'Waikato Times', check out page 3 and under a title "NZ not ready for waves" there is a beautiful photo with a caption underneath it as follows: "Hoping for a bite: Pirika Sinclair-Phillips, 9, of North Canterbury, fishes at Ngarimu Bay yesterday while on holiday on the Coromandel Peninsula". That's right, our Pirika and Martha made the paper. You will see the serene paradise we are coping with daily :)
We heard that is was snowing in ChCh earlier today? Not here. I exhale and remember why this peninsula and the Marlborough Sounds are the two places in NZ that I have wanted to live in for many years now.
Today has been a great day for Jacky. Nerve pain has settled and is almost gone! Jacky has spent the last two days resting which has been fantastic for her, and she will be doing more of the same tomorrow. Every day she is feeling better and better. Jacky is becoming well! God the relief is intense. Moreso when we stop to think of this year to date for us. To not have the worry each day about when Jacky will die is an indescribeable relief for us all.
Pirika and Martha told me yesterday how they "don't even remember what it was like before Mama was sick". That was a sad moment for me, and Jacky of course when I later told her, however it quickly turned to a joyful moment as I was able to reinforce to them both that soon, their Mama would be well again.
Today Pirika, Martha and I went to a Butterfly House. It was gorgeous! Giant blue winged butterflys, plus about a dozen other variety. It was like being inside one of Marthas fairytopia movies. I giggled to myself imagining how beautiful it was to us but the horror that someone like our dear Rhonda would experience opening her eyes, and discovering herself in a tropical environment filled with colourful flapping wing insects :)
Tomorrow we go fishing again! And tomorrow evening dear dear Sheila and Simon are coming to hang with us. Blessed are we with such good and dear friends.
Warmly, The Sinclair-Phillips whanau
We heard that is was snowing in ChCh earlier today? Not here. I exhale and remember why this peninsula and the Marlborough Sounds are the two places in NZ that I have wanted to live in for many years now.
Today has been a great day for Jacky. Nerve pain has settled and is almost gone! Jacky has spent the last two days resting which has been fantastic for her, and she will be doing more of the same tomorrow. Every day she is feeling better and better. Jacky is becoming well! God the relief is intense. Moreso when we stop to think of this year to date for us. To not have the worry each day about when Jacky will die is an indescribeable relief for us all.
Pirika and Martha told me yesterday how they "don't even remember what it was like before Mama was sick". That was a sad moment for me, and Jacky of course when I later told her, however it quickly turned to a joyful moment as I was able to reinforce to them both that soon, their Mama would be well again.
Today Pirika, Martha and I went to a Butterfly House. It was gorgeous! Giant blue winged butterflys, plus about a dozen other variety. It was like being inside one of Marthas fairytopia movies. I giggled to myself imagining how beautiful it was to us but the horror that someone like our dear Rhonda would experience opening her eyes, and discovering herself in a tropical environment filled with colourful flapping wing insects :)
Tomorrow we go fishing again! And tomorrow evening dear dear Sheila and Simon are coming to hang with us. Blessed are we with such good and dear friends.
Warmly, The Sinclair-Phillips whanau
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Day of Sun, fishing and pain

Pain, still, due to nerve and muscle damage that is slowly but surely repairing itself. There is so much repair work going on right now inside dear Jackys body that it is astounding.. however the fact of the matter is - there is pain. And, for anyone who has suffered nerve pain - you know what it's like, and it isn't pleasant, on any level. Chox and Kates spa is proving to be a haven of warm welcome pain relief. Wolf is sourcing some high potency natural pain killers and we will be seeing him again on Saturday. The medicine man can lay his hands on you and take pain instantly away. Once the nephrostomy tubes have been removed life will be alot more settled and muscles wont want to spasm quite as much - hopefully.
Fishing again in Thornton Bay which is a short drive up the coast. Pirika, Martha and I today renamed the bay "Stingray Bay" as again we had the pleasure of watching a ray cruise the bay eating. BIG news for today is Pirika caught a 30 cm kahawai! Even better still, Pirika cast out himself, hauled in himself and with Marthas help they skillfully killed the fish quickly by cutting just under it's gills, then above it's head. And tonight for dinner Pirika, Martha and Caelan (Kate and Choxs nephew) enjoyed kahawai for dinner. Magical.
Sun - well I tell ya, this place is heavenly. Oranges grow here, fat juicy feijoas, tangelos... falling in love? Yep - we sure are. If only we could relocate all of the delicious people from down home to this area... then it would be utopia.
Love you all. Pomarie. Us all. xxoo
Fishing again in Thornton Bay which is a short drive up the coast. Pirika, Martha and I today renamed the bay "Stingray Bay" as again we had the pleasure of watching a ray cruise the bay eating. BIG news for today is Pirika caught a 30 cm kahawai! Even better still, Pirika cast out himself, hauled in himself and with Marthas help they skillfully killed the fish quickly by cutting just under it's gills, then above it's head. And tonight for dinner Pirika, Martha and Caelan (Kate and Choxs nephew) enjoyed kahawai for dinner. Magical.
Sun - well I tell ya, this place is heavenly. Oranges grow here, fat juicy feijoas, tangelos... falling in love? Yep - we sure are. If only we could relocate all of the delicious people from down home to this area... then it would be utopia.
Love you all. Pomarie. Us all. xxoo
Monday, October 26, 2009
There has been no other point in Jackys life, in my life or in our lives together that has facilitated such a huge change as this meeting with medicine man Wolf and his beautiful wife Lara. Everything has changed for us, or has moved to where it should be I guess you could say. Jackys healing is continuing at a rapid rate. During the major surgery her extensor (may have spelt that wrong?) muscle was severed which added to why her femur was out of it's hip socket and the sciatic spasm pain and so on it snowballed. At the moment the pain that Jacky is experiencing is nerve pain due to the nerves that were damaged coming back "online" if you like and regenerating. Another major win is that Jacky is now no longer on panadol!
The mass in her lower back that the doctors believed to be "recurrent cancer" is breaking down and being absorbed into Jackys blood stream and is being dealt with accordingly by her liver and kidneys. She is taking a number of support minerals and 'potions' to assist her body through dealing with this. I spoke to our own doctor (GP extroidanaire) David Ritchie in Christchurch this afternoon to give him an update as to where Jacky is at and David said everything checked out and certainly Jackys blood results support Wolfs diagnosis. It is all good! Still a way to go, however this gentle wise man has quite literally saved Jackys life, already we know this.
We are already saying to each other of how much we will miss him when we return home to Waikuku. How do you repay such a gift in life as this? It is another one of those situations where Thank you just doesnt seem enough.
We wish that all of our good friends, infact everyone could have access to such experience as this.
Pirika and Martha are great - spending alot of time in their Auntys spa and have been the patient gorgeous beings that they are through our journeys towards Waihi and Wolf magic. They know the good that is being done and are comfortable and at home in Wolfs home. Pirika said "I want to give Wolf the hugest hug in the world for how he is helping my mama".
Tomorrow we are going fishing. Only 15 mins drive to serene bays where yesterday we watched stingray swim. Truly. Must sign off now. Hope you who are reading this are well and happy. Warm love to you all, from all of Us here.
The mass in her lower back that the doctors believed to be "recurrent cancer" is breaking down and being absorbed into Jackys blood stream and is being dealt with accordingly by her liver and kidneys. She is taking a number of support minerals and 'potions' to assist her body through dealing with this. I spoke to our own doctor (GP extroidanaire) David Ritchie in Christchurch this afternoon to give him an update as to where Jacky is at and David said everything checked out and certainly Jackys blood results support Wolfs diagnosis. It is all good! Still a way to go, however this gentle wise man has quite literally saved Jackys life, already we know this.
We are already saying to each other of how much we will miss him when we return home to Waikuku. How do you repay such a gift in life as this? It is another one of those situations where Thank you just doesnt seem enough.
We wish that all of our good friends, infact everyone could have access to such experience as this.
Pirika and Martha are great - spending alot of time in their Auntys spa and have been the patient gorgeous beings that they are through our journeys towards Waihi and Wolf magic. They know the good that is being done and are comfortable and at home in Wolfs home. Pirika said "I want to give Wolf the hugest hug in the world for how he is helping my mama".
Tomorrow we are going fishing. Only 15 mins drive to serene bays where yesterday we watched stingray swim. Truly. Must sign off now. Hope you who are reading this are well and happy. Warm love to you all, from all of Us here.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A word from the little son
Hi whanau and friends, miss yous all. Today we are going fishing and the weather is really sunny. Uncle Reuben is coming to see us this afternoon. mr Wolf is very nice. Mummy Jacky is feeling alot better. Love yous all, from Pirika
PS. Hi Tim, miss ya bro. xxoo
PS. Hi Tim, miss ya bro. xxoo
the last couple of days
The weather here in Thames has been warm, simply beautiful. You dont have to spend much time here to feel the climate benefits that come with living further north that we do. Out the back of Chox and Kates house the view in one direction is of the side of a large hill that is covered in native bush. The bird song is that of Tui, mainly. Here is devine.
Yesterday was a much better day for Jacky than she has had in some time. Wolf put her right femur bone back in her hip socket as part of our first visit with him on Friday. Rather than being centred, it was off and was pressing on nerves that were adding to the sciatic pain that Jacky has had since her first surgery back in early June. As a consequence of that along with the rest of the magic that our new friend performed with Jacky during that first visit, on Friday night Jacky had the best sleep she has had in months. It should be noted that she is on no hard core pain relief or anti nausea medication that the Drs and pallative care team from the hospital prescribed and said that she would be on until she died! The satisfaction in proving them wrong is immense for me - I cannot imagine being Jacky through any of this.
Today we saw Wolf again and he was really pleased with how Jacky is progressing. Wolf and his wife Lara have Jacky on an alkaline diet and a number of "potions" to support her body during this major cleanse. Jacky is looking great. And she is improving by the second - quite literally. It really is incredible how your body responds when you treat it as you should do. It has occured to me that it is no wonder that we as humans abuse our environment and planet so carelessly, as we do the same to our own bodies without a second thought, in most instances. I have been reminded of one of my favourite quotes - " in nature there are neither rewards nor punishments, only consequences" .
Jacky is not eating any: meat, dairy, sugar, fruit (due to the sugar content), yeast, eggs, seafood for the next 10 days. It's hardcore, and it's working. Acidity in cells is the base for all dis ease. Wolf has been adamant from within the first couple of minutes working with Jacky that she will be fine, and that her health will be restored, fully.
Chox and I got some Wolf treatment today, what a treat! The man quite literally is wonderous. He uses his hands to see your internal organs, bones, your blood work and cells. He does not view it as strange or unreal at all, as this gift has been his from birth. He told us of his uncle, his father and his grandfather who were all medicine men as well and of their somewhat un orthodox treatments - some of which make Wolf and his work appear dull! And I can assure you, he is certainly not dull at all. To watch Wolf work is something that makes you feel honoured, to be worked on by him is one of those turning points in your life.
Pirika and Martha want to say that they miss you all, but especially: AJ and ALL their cousins, Kai and Marls, Oscar and Monty, Chester (its nearly your birthday!), Eliza and Alex.. and a big shout out from them both to all of Waikuku School. Jacky and I just want to send you all love. You beautiful people have kept us going, when the going has been hard. We love you.
Pomarie. The Sinclair-Phillips whanau
Yesterday was a much better day for Jacky than she has had in some time. Wolf put her right femur bone back in her hip socket as part of our first visit with him on Friday. Rather than being centred, it was off and was pressing on nerves that were adding to the sciatic pain that Jacky has had since her first surgery back in early June. As a consequence of that along with the rest of the magic that our new friend performed with Jacky during that first visit, on Friday night Jacky had the best sleep she has had in months. It should be noted that she is on no hard core pain relief or anti nausea medication that the Drs and pallative care team from the hospital prescribed and said that she would be on until she died! The satisfaction in proving them wrong is immense for me - I cannot imagine being Jacky through any of this.
Today we saw Wolf again and he was really pleased with how Jacky is progressing. Wolf and his wife Lara have Jacky on an alkaline diet and a number of "potions" to support her body during this major cleanse. Jacky is looking great. And she is improving by the second - quite literally. It really is incredible how your body responds when you treat it as you should do. It has occured to me that it is no wonder that we as humans abuse our environment and planet so carelessly, as we do the same to our own bodies without a second thought, in most instances. I have been reminded of one of my favourite quotes - " in nature there are neither rewards nor punishments, only consequences" .
Jacky is not eating any: meat, dairy, sugar, fruit (due to the sugar content), yeast, eggs, seafood for the next 10 days. It's hardcore, and it's working. Acidity in cells is the base for all dis ease. Wolf has been adamant from within the first couple of minutes working with Jacky that she will be fine, and that her health will be restored, fully.
Chox and I got some Wolf treatment today, what a treat! The man quite literally is wonderous. He uses his hands to see your internal organs, bones, your blood work and cells. He does not view it as strange or unreal at all, as this gift has been his from birth. He told us of his uncle, his father and his grandfather who were all medicine men as well and of their somewhat un orthodox treatments - some of which make Wolf and his work appear dull! And I can assure you, he is certainly not dull at all. To watch Wolf work is something that makes you feel honoured, to be worked on by him is one of those turning points in your life.
Pirika and Martha want to say that they miss you all, but especially: AJ and ALL their cousins, Kai and Marls, Oscar and Monty, Chester (its nearly your birthday!), Eliza and Alex.. and a big shout out from them both to all of Waikuku School. Jacky and I just want to send you all love. You beautiful people have kept us going, when the going has been hard. We love you.
Pomarie. The Sinclair-Phillips whanau
Friday, October 23, 2009
The matrix
Meeting Wolf today was like being unplugged from the matrix - again. That's all I can say for now as Jacky (and myself) are still trying to digest it all. There was a lot to take in.
I can tell you that Wolf is Cherokee, from the Wolf Clan and that he grew up on a reservation. At age 18 he told his grandfather that he was going to leave to join the US military as he needed to learn two things:
1. how to have deep compassion for those in great pain, and;
2. fear - he said he knew that war would teach him both of these.
He then went on to spend 21 years working for a US military "special forces" unit.
He has been working on being a medicine man since he was 7 years old. He is articulate and funny, has long gray hair pulled back into a pony tail and has a face that is as wise as it is beautiful.
He knows who he is and what he is doing and in his presence you are left completely sure of this.
I wanted to cry most of the time we were there, due to everything we have been through to date, more specifically, everything my Jacky and my Pirika and Martha have been through to date.
We are having a day off tomorrow - no driving, no appointments, just us and the lovely climate of Thames.
Back to see Wolf again on Sunday. I can tell you that Jacky is already in way less pain from the 2 and a half hours spent with Wolf today. I did ask Wolf what brought him to New Zealand, he replied "peace".
And, when he travels out of body his soul colour is orange, that was cool to hear :)
Loving ya's - ALL!
I can tell you that Wolf is Cherokee, from the Wolf Clan and that he grew up on a reservation. At age 18 he told his grandfather that he was going to leave to join the US military as he needed to learn two things:
1. how to have deep compassion for those in great pain, and;
2. fear - he said he knew that war would teach him both of these.
He then went on to spend 21 years working for a US military "special forces" unit.
He has been working on being a medicine man since he was 7 years old. He is articulate and funny, has long gray hair pulled back into a pony tail and has a face that is as wise as it is beautiful.
He knows who he is and what he is doing and in his presence you are left completely sure of this.
I wanted to cry most of the time we were there, due to everything we have been through to date, more specifically, everything my Jacky and my Pirika and Martha have been through to date.
We are having a day off tomorrow - no driving, no appointments, just us and the lovely climate of Thames.
Back to see Wolf again on Sunday. I can tell you that Jacky is already in way less pain from the 2 and a half hours spent with Wolf today. I did ask Wolf what brought him to New Zealand, he replied "peace".
And, when he travels out of body his soul colour is orange, that was cool to hear :)
Loving ya's - ALL!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Yes! Here we are in Thames :)

Our journey today was a good one, it was always going to be a good day with this being our destination though - no doubts about that. Martha is reading to Mama Jacky and Pirika from her school reading books, Choxs mum Margaret is knitting in the lounge room, Kate is pottering around generally making us all feel welcome, warm and loved. Dear Aunty Chox is still at work but will be home soon and I think "special salad" is what we are having for dinner - YUM!
And tomorrow is the day of the Wolf. The anticipation that surrounds this visit is almost overwhelming. I feel as though I want to put pressure on him to heal our dear Jacky - "perform or else!" - and at the same time I know, deeply that the healing has already begun. I txt Wolf in the middle of the dark hours at about 3am this morning asking for help and advice re pain, and he rang back almost immediately, again. Does this man ever sleep? There is a sense that he and Jacky already know each other and that when they do stand face to face tomorrow that it will be a reunion rather than a first greeting. This I also know.
Beautiful to be here. So off I go to be here. Jacky wants to send you all her love, lots of it and as always is eternally Thankful for your love and support.
I've always prided myself for having surperb taste in people. We love ya's.
Pen - was thinking of you lots today. Kas, Laura, Rhonda - all of you who are commenting - Thanks, is nice to hear back.
And tomorrow is the day of the Wolf. The anticipation that surrounds this visit is almost overwhelming. I feel as though I want to put pressure on him to heal our dear Jacky - "perform or else!" - and at the same time I know, deeply that the healing has already begun. I txt Wolf in the middle of the dark hours at about 3am this morning asking for help and advice re pain, and he rang back almost immediately, again. Does this man ever sleep? There is a sense that he and Jacky already know each other and that when they do stand face to face tomorrow that it will be a reunion rather than a first greeting. This I also know.
Beautiful to be here. So off I go to be here. Jacky wants to send you all her love, lots of it and as always is eternally Thankful for your love and support.
I've always prided myself for having surperb taste in people. We love ya's.
Pen - was thinking of you lots today. Kas, Laura, Rhonda - all of you who are commenting - Thanks, is nice to hear back.
unknown villages
Good evening everyone.. we are coming to you tonight live from the Waitomo Caves holiday park. (Highly recommended on the cleanliness of their toilets a good clean loo.. )
Both Jacky and I have never been to this place before, infact I did not even know there was a village here so it will be nice to look around tomorrow in the light of day, we pulled in here and set up camp tonight after dark.
The beautiful Mr Pirika and the divine Miss Martha are right now sleeping soundly in their "upstairs bedroom" - earlier tonight whilst being told by grumpy tired me to "hurry up" and make their beds and get into them, there was no end of delirious giggling from behind the curtain that makes the bed above the cabin their new bedroom. I'm so glad they are intuitive enough to know when to not take me seriously. I was trying to be serious - they just knew better.
Jacky is trying to sleep which is proving tricky with the nagging pain she gets in her leg and sometimes shoulder. We are longing, longing to meet Mr Wolf and to enjoy the weaving of his magic. Whatever it is and however it happens - we know that we are in the right time at the right place, right now. That's quite a mind "fucky" thing for me to say when sometimes I just want to weep about the enormous injustice of this all on my wife and my children. You know?
It will be so good to have my dear wife without pain, able to live and be and run after the kids and give me cheek again. The trick is holding the vision of that when it all feels quite desperate. I still feel bitter at the hospital for putting my children and myself through that, for making us expect that Jacky would die very soon. It was shit and it impacts my every day although I try to not allow it to, henceforth the desperate feelings I guess.
I feel myself becoming more gruff by the day. I know - scary, nonetheless true.
Tomorrow our hikoi will take us to Thames, to dear Chox and Kate. Oh the relief that will lay for us, in their company.
Sleep well out there.
Warmly, Us xo
Both Jacky and I have never been to this place before, infact I did not even know there was a village here so it will be nice to look around tomorrow in the light of day, we pulled in here and set up camp tonight after dark.
The beautiful Mr Pirika and the divine Miss Martha are right now sleeping soundly in their "upstairs bedroom" - earlier tonight whilst being told by grumpy tired me to "hurry up" and make their beds and get into them, there was no end of delirious giggling from behind the curtain that makes the bed above the cabin their new bedroom. I'm so glad they are intuitive enough to know when to not take me seriously. I was trying to be serious - they just knew better.
Jacky is trying to sleep which is proving tricky with the nagging pain she gets in her leg and sometimes shoulder. We are longing, longing to meet Mr Wolf and to enjoy the weaving of his magic. Whatever it is and however it happens - we know that we are in the right time at the right place, right now. That's quite a mind "fucky" thing for me to say when sometimes I just want to weep about the enormous injustice of this all on my wife and my children. You know?
It will be so good to have my dear wife without pain, able to live and be and run after the kids and give me cheek again. The trick is holding the vision of that when it all feels quite desperate. I still feel bitter at the hospital for putting my children and myself through that, for making us expect that Jacky would die very soon. It was shit and it impacts my every day although I try to not allow it to, henceforth the desperate feelings I guess.
I feel myself becoming more gruff by the day. I know - scary, nonetheless true.
Tomorrow our hikoi will take us to Thames, to dear Chox and Kate. Oh the relief that will lay for us, in their company.
Sleep well out there.
Warmly, Us xo
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday night word from the wife
Jacky is SMILING, Martha is giggling constantly whilst playing wrestling with her new friend Deb and her Aunty Toni, Pirika is cheering for Martha at the same time as playing nintendo Wii (joyful is the son)... all is well in our world :) How blessed we are. Thank you Thank you Thank you. :) :) :) :) Missing the Waikuku ites (you know who you are), Tima, Shindler, Shadow and CK as well... so nice to know you beautiful humans are travelling this journey with us.. Thanks for being there/here.. again I say it and say it again I will.
Warmest love from Island Bay the house of chocolate and giggles in Wellington.
Warmest love from Island Bay the house of chocolate and giggles in Wellington.
lovely night in Wellington
Greetings people, firstly I'd like to say how much appreciation and love I have for you all my dear friends and whanau. This experience has been extremely humbling to say the least. I appreciate the love and support you have all shown me and my family at this time. I am honoured to be your friend and look forward to coming home to a time of celebration with you all. You will all be aware by now of the stressful circumstances we faced with ChCh public hospital. Something I wouldn't wish upon any other person. By putting that in the past I have been able to see an alternative way forward and I am looking forward to positive results. I have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
After spending the night in Blenheim last night we caught the Aratere ferry at 10am and the sign at the vehicle check in said it would be a "moderate" sailing :) Viv said "If this is moderate I'd hate to see it when it's choppy or stormy". We arrived in wonderful Wellington and Viv drove the campervan skillfully off the ship and into town (lol) for some lunch. After nearly taking out a rubbish bin parking (yes that was Viv) we were side swiped by a car and the only damage was that the car who hit us lost it's mirror - no damage at all to the hikoi wagon - whew - thank goodness! Our lovely friend Toni met us downtown to navigate our hikoi to her warm whare for the evening. Toni prepared us a DELICIOUS roast lamb with all the trimmings and we are about to eat home made chocolate cheesecake (made by super flat mate Deb).. Deb is from Kaponga Taranaki - say no more :) Tomorrow the hikoi will take us north west to Poppa Allans where we have been told a hangi, kina, paua, bubu's and lots more love awaits.
Thats all from me for now - Pomarie, Jacky S-P xo
After spending the night in Blenheim last night we caught the Aratere ferry at 10am and the sign at the vehicle check in said it would be a "moderate" sailing :) Viv said "If this is moderate I'd hate to see it when it's choppy or stormy". We arrived in wonderful Wellington and Viv drove the campervan skillfully off the ship and into town (lol) for some lunch. After nearly taking out a rubbish bin parking (yes that was Viv) we were side swiped by a car and the only damage was that the car who hit us lost it's mirror - no damage at all to the hikoi wagon - whew - thank goodness! Our lovely friend Toni met us downtown to navigate our hikoi to her warm whare for the evening. Toni prepared us a DELICIOUS roast lamb with all the trimmings and we are about to eat home made chocolate cheesecake (made by super flat mate Deb).. Deb is from Kaponga Taranaki - say no more :) Tomorrow the hikoi will take us north west to Poppa Allans where we have been told a hangi, kina, paua, bubu's and lots more love awaits.
Thats all from me for now - Pomarie, Jacky S-P xo
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Off and away 1st hikoi day
Finally about to hit the road after a delayed but good day.. delay caused by the fact that when we went to pick up the campervan the sole person who was working at Adventure Campervans today did not even know that we were coming - so there was no hikoi vehicle waiting! After her cleaning a bit of a scody (spellcheck??) campervan, replacing a faulty reverse light we were about to go - however then discovered that one of the four seatbelts did not work..sigh... Mama Viv asked her family to wait in the old campervan and went in to sort it... about 30 mins later we were driving homeward in a delux 6 berth far superior campervan. Blessings disguised as burdens - they are everywhere it seems in this life. On the way home Viv flew (in second gear!) over a judder bump/bar and injured dear Jacky fairly significantly.. now Viv knows that in such a BIG vehicle she needs to be in 1st gear for such situations. Anyway - logging off and heading away...yeeehaaaa. Love you all - lots. xo
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thank you note from Pirika

Dear whanau and friends and even teachers I love you. 2 sleeps to go yay! I'm going to miss you all. today I cried just because I was going to miss school and what I forgot to do before I left school today is say bye to mrs scarlet and mr hornblow I would like to name all the people I'm going to miss kai,oscar,Alex,chester,eliza,alex ,ruby, monty especially,jahmal ,aj,stevie,all my adult friends what I'd like to say is thank you thank you to all of yous who helped my mum I love yous all love pirika. p.sthank you.
What does Thank you mean? A word from the wife

It is difficult for me to articulate how truly Thankful I am, Pirika and Martha are, we are as a family are for the all of the love, support, baking, house moving, garden moving, kai delivery, koha, hugs, massage and healing that have been given to Jacky (and us as a whanau) through this journey to date. Thank you for just being there/here with us. For laughing and crying with us, for grieving and for rejoicing with us, for taking the time out of your own lives to dedicate yourselves to us - we are eternally indebted.
Honestly - there are no words that could express the heart felt, soul felt gratitude we have - for you all... our friends, our whanau and our soul mates. I could name you all - but you know who you are, and we love you for it, more than we did before it.
Thank you means more than any words, in this instance that I know of.
However - from the deepest and most sincere part of my being.. THANK YOU, all.
It is our pleasure to have you accompany the Sinclair-Phillips whanau on this hikoi. It will no doubt be a journey that is both full on with steep crevice and also sprinkled with peaceful relaxed valleys of contentment... more of the later we feel as we journey towards the great north "Te Ika A Maui" and to places that have already provided more healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels than the hospital in its stark comparison could ever dream of. Hospitals are places where you "get things done" they are not healing centres - a sad piece of reality in our western culture, and in this day and age, they have their uses and inside them are some truly gorgeous caring individuals. Our deepest Thanks must go out to those people as well. The charge nurse and her staff at ward 14 are incredible women - we love you and will never forget your professional gentle care.
That's me for today. We are busy getting ready for the hikoi, there are lists and lists of lists.. it is a big thing taking your two children on the road for 30 days.. let alone the extra luggage my dear wife has that are an essential part of her healing.
A last Thank you for the healing energy that is flooding Jackys being, coming from you all - keep it coming - please. It makes a difference, it truly does.
Warmest love,
The wife.
Honestly - there are no words that could express the heart felt, soul felt gratitude we have - for you all... our friends, our whanau and our soul mates. I could name you all - but you know who you are, and we love you for it, more than we did before it.
Thank you means more than any words, in this instance that I know of.
However - from the deepest and most sincere part of my being.. THANK YOU, all.
It is our pleasure to have you accompany the Sinclair-Phillips whanau on this hikoi. It will no doubt be a journey that is both full on with steep crevice and also sprinkled with peaceful relaxed valleys of contentment... more of the later we feel as we journey towards the great north "Te Ika A Maui" and to places that have already provided more healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels than the hospital in its stark comparison could ever dream of. Hospitals are places where you "get things done" they are not healing centres - a sad piece of reality in our western culture, and in this day and age, they have their uses and inside them are some truly gorgeous caring individuals. Our deepest Thanks must go out to those people as well. The charge nurse and her staff at ward 14 are incredible women - we love you and will never forget your professional gentle care.
That's me for today. We are busy getting ready for the hikoi, there are lists and lists of lists.. it is a big thing taking your two children on the road for 30 days.. let alone the extra luggage my dear wife has that are an essential part of her healing.
A last Thank you for the healing energy that is flooding Jackys being, coming from you all - keep it coming - please. It makes a difference, it truly does.
Warmest love,
The wife.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
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